This is not an easy read or a satisfying story of ultimate vindication. It is instead a somewhat hopeless and dismal telling of injustice, ignorance, cruelty, incompetence and illogic – sobering, cringe-worthy evidence of just how stupid, gullible, evil and even crazy people can be, and how incapable, opaque and furtive government can be – and how we deserve so much better. As a wrongly-accused innocent thrust into court, I found that our cumbersome, insulated and occasionally manipulated legal system does not always help, and sometimes harms. Club members enjoy rules of favoritism while the system thrives due to complicit protectionism and lack of accountability. In brief, this is about what happens when people stop thinking and reasoning, lose morality and ability to synchronize with reality – my accusers and the judge for example. Overall, their reckless disregard for truth, decency and the integrity, reputation and importance of our judicial system is simply stunning. That reality fills me with dread.
I’m a man who seeks peace and understanding. But when bullied, lied to or about, I will stand firm. This is just such a case. This is a true story of how incompetent government promoted maltreatment, and neglected the innocent. Justice was betrayed by a fundamentally flawed bureaucratic legal process and a charlatan judge presiding over a mismanaged courtroom. Given the experience, it’s fair to say that justice is not only blind, it can be deaf and dumb as well. Call it a dissatisfying encounter with a government-run gossip echo chamber where the temporarily favored employ flagrant misrepresentation and distortion of fact to manipulate, conceal and harm in a manner reminiscent of those empowered during the McCarthy era U. S. Senate Red-Scare hearings (and during which a family member of mine was wrongly subjected). As for my accusers, what transpired is not OK; it’s never acceptable to lie to try to get your way. When people embrace dishonesty, that affects us all; it dilutes human potential and weakens the bond between us.
The situation reeks of blatant improprieties by many, plus awful neglect by government officials. So this necessarily also became a story of people caught in the act. When this began, I had no idea evidence would emerge of widespread government failure if not collusion. As such, this case is far-reaching and worse that I’d have ever imagined. To learn more about the gang of local and state culprits, jump to ‘Updates & Latest News.’ Our institutions are failing us. Time for answers. Time for change. Time to rise up.
This web site is dedicated to an unfortunate situation that ended-up in an Archuleta County, Colorado courtroom – and ensuing fall-out and revelations. The main participants: my accusers and neighbors *Mitchell Mange and *Patrice Pavis (late of California); Division 1 court Judge Justin Patrick Fay; and me, Colorado native Robert MacDonald.
In civil court I defended against TPO’s (temporary protection orders) filed as a result of brazen, hoax, farcically contrived accusations by notably perverse and disturbed neighbors – as contained in cases C0042023C75 and C0042023C76 – that nonetheless caught the attention of a simple little man in robes assigned to hear the case. Pertinent case facts cited are of public record. Information presented offers representative highlights; to expose full compromising depth and breadth of exploitive abuses by my ignominious accusers and their enablers would require a book or maybe a week-long trial. I didn’t just win the bad neighbor lottery, I got dropped into a sea of madness populated by some rather scarily stupid people. Just so you know, the reserve and respect I showed in the courtroom is not present here. Read on and learn why.
Thanks to involvement of a brew of disappointing, untrustworthy, incompetent professionals, what a misadventure it has been. From smug, righteous courtroom liars to misfit government employees, their behaviours are revolting. Between devious neighbors, bumbling and do-nothing government employees, and an imperious apparatus of the state than can capriciously enforce injustice as justice, I was vilified, ridiculed, derided, denied, dishonoured and betrayed. This is my unapologetic analysis and account.
Thank you to those who have communicated your own stories and concerns. You’ve offered great yet unsettling confirmation of my impressions. One likened actions of a discordant mix of a few mediocre public servants here as reminiscent of the Wild West. Seems accurate.