“I learned a long time ago that reality was much weirder than anyone’s imagination.” – Hunter S. Thompson (1937-2005)
It’s not hard to wonder about what my perplexing neighbors did. The idiotic comments, the prowling by Pavis (that’s what I call it when a married woman makes suggestive negative comments about her husband to a single man, a stranger, really), their snooping and spying on me, their bird killer and stalking accusations, and of course their so stupid contention that I was repeatedly stating something about being afraid of a jealous husband. The big question is why they lied so and/or thought they could get away with that. Maybe their attorney told them Judge Fay wasn’t very swift. Here I am trying to live a good and clean life but get thrust onto the crazy train by wacko neighbors – with Judge Justin P. Fay the engineer. Other than what you have already read, there was nothing else to their allegations. I never threatened to harm them, or anything like that. Let’s look at each main allegation in brief and then my summation:
Birds and a Gullible Judge
Their most distressing accusation by far was about birds. So let’s talk about magpies, hypothetically. And no, this discussion is not some sort of veiled admission; I did not harm any birds or wildlife. I don’t hunt or fish, am a vegetarian and Buddhist. Let’s assume that I was clearing the skies of pesky birds as my accusers contend. Did my neighbors claim they owned the birds? No. So by what mechanism did their claim of bird killing become an actionable part of TPO’s? What would the harm be for my accusers? Sleepless nights tormented by delusional, irrational thought? Not my fault. Indeed, harming certain birds and other wildlife is illegal. Obviously, if you have knowledge of poaching/killing wildlife, you should make a call to fish and game and/or law enforcement. In their pleading to the court, my accusers said that they were not even sure that bird killing was against the law. You know what is against the law, lying in court.
As premised by my neighbors, bird population was decimated by killing. Again, and hypothetically, if one shot a magpie and it fell over dead, what would other birds do? Sit around and watch like in a demented Gary Larson cartoon? To wit: ‘Hey look guys, Larry’s taking a nap.’ Then you just keep downing birds? But magpies are smart birds. Would not at the least retort of the air rifle scatter the birds? How many birds would fall prey, and just how long would it take to reduce the local bird population to nil seemingly overnight as basically suggested by my nutso neighbors? It would certainly take more than and day, right? In reality, probably weeks if at all and only then if that’s all one made time for. So where is the evidence? Not necessary if you are my accusers or even Judge Fay. I mean, really. Such insanity. It sickens me.
One more thing; remember their cover story about the day they spied on me? They claimed there was a massive swarm of 30-50 magpies in my back yard (which would be a remarkable ornithological first). So how does one even instantly spot a sole plastic bird amidst the purported “bird commotion” (as they called it)? Seems impossible, right? So it goes that their story was completely made-up. Lucky for them they recited their inanities before a senseless judge. Let’s examine this fiction yet more closely. 30-50 birds in my yard you say? All there to inspect a plastic dummy? I did not have bird feeders and was not putting food out for any kind of creature. My lying neighbors had multiple bird feeders in their yard and never did I see more than a couple of birds (mostly magpies and the occasional blue jay) fly their way to get fed. They are giving-away bird feed and they don’t get a flock but I do? To any reader who has hanging bird feeders – have you ever seen a flock of any kind of larger bird in your yard that compares to the fictional one my lame-brain neighbors pretended? But their buddy Judge Fay was apparently mesmerized by this and other parts of their insane account (read: endless perjury under oath). There should be no wonder why I felt anxious in court having to explain that crazy talk is crazy talk (to the crazy and embarrassingly mentally challenged) while thinking to myself: “Have you all lost your minds?”. It’s still stunning to recall the experience; unwillingly forced into a government-run nut house where once can waste hours and gobs of money to yack back and forth about bizarre, fantasy claims made by insensible people. What a nightmare! They are nuts, but what about the judge? Well, if he came to me looking for work, I’d give him a task in keeping with his aptitude – issue a mop with a reminder to not to hurt himself.
Enough time has passed that once in a while I can have a laugh at the sheer stupidity of it all. So here’s a link to a left-field conspiracy web site that claims that “Birds Aren’t Real.” Enjoy
No evidence; no ‘spy camera,’ no prowling, no stalking, no ‘stalking’ messages, nothing.
Jealous Husband
Kind of pointless to revisit that except to say they lied and I did not. Just the same, here’s more: as my communication with Pavis was pretty much limited to the time she came over solo and made that critical remark about her husband, the time they visited my house and then our dinner at theirs, when was I supposed to be issuing that constant stream of ‘fear of jealous husband’ comments? In their testimony they said it was virtually every time we spoke. Suppose I did so all the times they alleged. Then Pavis and Mange overlook that to snag a reciprocal dinner at my house (that I never pursued, and they lamented to the court never happened)? Idiocy. Or this scenario: I was for some reason making an admission about Mange shooting me in jealousy to Mange himself, how much sense would that make? Even more idiocy. When Deputy Ball interviewed me, doing his job, he asked if I tried to hug or kiss Pavis. As I recall, my reply to him was along the lines of: I wouldn’t consider being intimate with that woman even if survival of the human race depended on it. No need for a jealous husband to dispatch me; I’d do it myself. Am I clear on that? In court they tried to justify their allegation by suggesting that while it seemed odd to them I would keep repeating that fear, they decided to go ahead and be friends. You have to be mentally-deranged or on drugs to say, think or believe that sort of crap. Closing-out this part of the ridiculous malignment put on me, I will add that I have not dated in years, am celibate, and have done nothing to rouse husband animosity. The last and only married woman I was intimate with was my wife. Their contention is beyond nuts.
Judge Not
What you have read mirrors information presented in court. So how did Judge Fay get so lost? Absolutely boggles the mind. I’m majorly disappointed about judicial stupidity. Crazy is crazy, but stupid is just plain annoying. Those so afflicted serve a life sentence – which inevitably makes life harder for everyone. Just in case I haven’t been absolutely clear, I of course resent an unsophisticated, gullible amateur making decisions on my behalf, and questioning my honesty and integrity. For shame. I wonder what Justin Patrick Fay says to people who have visited this web site; how he justifies his words and deflects inquiry – perhaps he’s still living in delusion as some righteous guardian of truth and justice when instead, he’s a muddling, embarrassing fool squandering and abusing a law degree.
Remember how Judge Fay idiotically cautioned me to not again engage in activities/behaviors that brought us to court in the first place? What, not stalking, not threatening, not killing birds? It is incomprehensible how Fay got utterly fooled by my accusers, but then I’m assuming he’s got even average intelligence. None of the allegations even make sense when tested. To be absolutely clear, my accusers offered not a single shred of evidence that actually confirmed their many allegations yet Judge Fay doubted, chastised me, called ma a liar. I’m afraid for anyone else who goes into his courtroom trusting in and expecting objectivity, cogent reasoning and intelligence. I can’t imagine what got this guy as far as this. Assuming he had smarts at one time, maybe he’s become dulled by something.
New to Judge Fay’s court, I innocently assumed he was being attentive and had reasonable smarts. If my attorney knew better, she failed me. Part of the reason Judge Fay remained hooked on my accusers lies is because my attorney (read: the hired help) did not do enough to convincingly illustrate or even challenge the judge. She told me that in her twenty years in practice she had never seen such an egregious abuse of the process. Don’t tell me the obvious, tell the judge! But that would mean criticizing his handiwork so she failed to tackle the situation with the sort of vigor and scrutiny I would have preferred. How difficult it was to sit silent listening while my accusers lied through their teeth. What made that worse was an attorney who did not do enough to dig deep to clearly and repeatedly expose their charade; she let way too much pass without notice. Regardless, whether or not she realized Judge Fay was a slow-learner, she was partly to blame for the way he formulated errant assumptions. Legal counsel must diligently fill-in inevitable blanks – especially when a judge fails to ask a single question. If the judge is not thinking, then do their thinking for them. Besides, when an attorney represents you, chances are they just don’t know the facts as well as you; they are juggling your case with others. So errors and omission are likely, and amplified if the judge isn’t engaged. I equate that scenario to the mute speaking to the deaf.
Still More to Tell
I thought it evident that my neighbors were pretty clearly burdened by mental quirks and instability. Although one of them more than once oddly talked about using guns, I did not run out and seek a protection order. Instead I asked them to basically leave me alone; that’s how it’s done. When they pestered me, I still did not file for protection orders. That reminds me of a conversation with my attorney. I asked her if could file for protection orders too based on the actions and behaviors of my neighbors. She said no; there was no reasonable basis. I knew that. So I asked her how come my neighbors had success in doing so, and got a shrug. The idiocy and hypocrisy underscores how ludicrous and unreliable the process is – especially in the hands of an arguably inept judge. Is there a way to obtain a blanket protection order to shield one from not only crazy and bullies, but incompetent and lazy people as well?
The entire affair remains grossly insulting – from the allegations and lies about me; a pompous judge spouting mean assessments; the vast stupidity of many; the horrible perversion of our legal process. Though, the experience causes me to wonder about my own countenance; if by calling-out evil and wrong, that makes me petty. I do not want to appear vindictive; my words hopefully come from a place of reason imbued with just indignation. I’m tired of a resigned shrug thinking ‘that’s just the way people are.’ How does one fight back if they remain silent? One too many times I have been bullied and falsely maligned so now tackle this unwanted yet necessary assignment with forced relish. It is long time to take a stand for truth and honor. The question remains; why do things like this happen to me? I feel like a human divining rod that attracts stupidity, lazy and crazy with ease. After a lifetime of disappointment, I surely must know by now that people are predictable; predictably egocentric, lazy, too often not very smart, devious, ad nauseum. Though the crazy part is a newer realization. I wonder how the human species has gotten as far as it has given these deficits; life is way too easy and forgiving, and far too many people lack discipline and enlightenment.
As already noted, my neighbor’s accusations come from a place of evil, although they intentionally deployed that evil in a courtroom to defame – which is unforgivable. If Justin Patrick Fay was just some random fool, his opinion would be meaningless to me. But because he’s a fool using his official position to harass, that changes the power and spectre of his comments entirely. Certain that I’m not the only one he’s bullied from the bench, my goal is to see that he is censured and even better, removed.
I wish that all this could be solved with handshakes and apologies but that seems quite unlikely. I’m facing evil and stupidity the likes of which I never have, so it’s new territory for me and accounts somewhat for my critical assessment of the players in this toxic drama.